Meet the Artist
Jen Sweeney
Hey there!
I’m Jen, a simple gal from Ohio who loves to paint and write pretty words. I’m here to help you take your creativity to the next level. Let’s relax and enjoy a beautiful, no-comparison, wildly creative journey together.
How I help you do that…
I teach LIVE Zoom workshops and pre-recorded classes on Skillshare.
You learn my innovative tips and techniques for a unique style of painting, especially using a wedge brush. Not into florals but like watercolor house portraits? Awesome, I teach that too.
But I wasn’t always an artist…
For 30 years, I was a Pediatric Nurse, 19 of which were as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. But now, my Chapter 2 has a new purpose. It’s all about living my dream as a full-time artist while helping YOU reach your full, creative potential.
Calligraphy was actually my first love. The art of scripting beautiful words by dipping my pen in ink and carefully executing letters and words continues to fill my soul with joy.
”I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” ~John 15:5
My other joy-providing, soul-fillers….
If I’m not in my studio, you can find me cycling the open roads with my high school sweetheart husband, taking great joy in our two adult daughters, snuggling our 5 precious grandchildren (4 boys and 1 girl), loving on my family, hanging out at church, or engrossed in a book while sipping coffee with a ridiculous amount of french vanilla creamer.
My ultimate mission is to spread joy and encouragement through the gift of art, while giving glory to God, the ultimate Artist.
Ready to do this…
So with open arms, and from my heart to yours, I sincerely welcome you. Let’s create beautiful things together. I promise to teach you what I know, encourage you, support you, and cheer you on as we dive deep into the gorgeous world of art together. What an incredible opportunity we have to do so alongside one another….
My Dad…my inspiration
As a little girl, I have vivid memories of my Dad heading off to work, carrying a huge, black, weathered portfolio but never really knowing about the masterpieces that were snuggled safely within.
Times were different, but oh so cool…
It wasn’t until later when I would visit his workplace, I’d see rows of men leaning into their paint-stained easels using every writing instrument you could imagine, sketching onto giant sheets of paper. Through the haze of cigarette smoke, commonplace in the 70’s, my little eyes would see masterpieces being revealed, one by one, as if a curtain was being gently pulled back. It was breathtaking.
No computers, no Photoshop, no Illustrator. Every single graceful, precise stroke that was sketched onto the paper leaked out from their imagination and flowed from their fingertips. My Dad was a Commercial Artist. And my heart fills with pride and joy simply saying that, because I just think that’s the coolest. He designed packages for companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Kenner, and so many more. (Fun side note: my brother and I, and our friends got to “model” for the toy packages he designed. Our payment was the toys themselves….Score!).
My Dad worked long hours. As you well know, being creative takes time. A lot of time. And he loved every minute of it. His home studio was packed & stacked, wall to wall, ceiling to window, with his gorgeous art, books, magazine clippings, detailed notes, and his well-loved paints & brushes. He was quite proficient in watercolor, oils and acrylics. He embodied the essence of a master artist in every sense of the word.
Skills that amazed me…
He could draw at the drop of a hat. He’d sometimes say “Jen, what do you want me to draw?” … and literally seconds later, a dog or barn, or tree would magically appear, with incredible detail. What I saw as effortless, was countless years of intentional study and laser focused practice.
Fast forward to 1989. The same month I graduated from nursing school, my Dad retired, after 45+ years. Computer graphics was starting to rear its head. I’d often hear my Dad say, in a defeated breath, “it just won’t be the same.”
For the next 28+ years he continued to paint. To learn. To study. To refine his art. To refine his God-given gift… Oh the lessons I learned just being in his presence.
My favorite artist…
When I’d come back home to visit, I’d often ask him what he’s doing in his studio. Even into his early 90’s he’d say, “Oh just throwin’ paint around and learning something new.” He quickly added, “never stop learning, Jen.”
I was always humbled and motivated by his insatiable appetite for pursuing knowledge and putting it into practice.
Then my heart shattered…
My Dad passed away the summer of 2018. He was 94, and painted regularly until the end of his life. What a beautiful legacy he leaves behind. An extraordinary Dad, a loving husband of over 50 years to my precious Mom, a WWII Veteran, and undoubtedly, the most remarkable and humble artist I’ve ever had the privilege and honor of knowing. I’m proud to call this gentle, sweet man my Dad.
I love him dearly and miss him daily.
We are blessed to have literally hundreds of his gorgeous works of art. A blessing I don’t take lightly. And just as significant, when he could no longer sit for hours in his studio and gracefully command his brushes to dance across the canvas, he lovingly passed on his art supplies to me.
Honoring him and carrying on…
To simply possess his supplies is a cherished and sacred gift in and of itself. But to actually create with them..…my hands gently holding what he once held..…is an indescribable privilege and joy.
So now it’s time.. Time to continue learning. To continue studying, painting, drawing, loving and encouraging others, pursuing and refining my art.
Just like my Dad….my hero.