Create scroll-stopping images…and simple tips for business growth

How do you get that bright white background on your watercolor photos for the ‘gram? What apps do you use? How do you edit your videos? How do I even start, I’m not a graphic designer? I too had these questions. With so many options in the sea of technology, it’s easy to fall overboard or feel overwhelmed.

We’re all newbies at some point. Not long ago, my husband and I devoured iMovie tutorials on YouTube so we could edit my first Skillshare class. Yep, I never ever used iMovie before. We had plenty of laughs, long nights, and some “ohhhh crud did you just delete that” moments. But, all is well. Marriage remains strong and intact. After countless hours of learning and figuring it out, I now create and edit everything myself. Insert happy dancing meme here.

For you tech-savvy, business geniuses, this will likely be last year’s news. Heck, in 6 months, this may all be old news! But, surely someone reading this today will learn something of value. I won’t cover all the technological goodness that is available. I don’t need to. What I do want to do is encourage you to stick with what works for YOU and keep it simple. Don’t waste your precious time thinking you need to learn it all. You don’t.

Editing and other tips that continue to provide growth, customers, and interest in my business.

No paid advertisements or endorsements here, just dishing up some of my favorites for you.

Photo editing (For the purpose of this blog, I’m referring to editing my watercolor photos for social media)

  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - The free version meets my needs splendidly. Hands down, the ability to whiten my whites, is my favorite. Nothing better than a crisp white background. Be gone you dreaded dull, yellow hues! Can I get a hallelujah?! Also, the colors in your photo don’t get distorted as you brighten your background (as long as you don’t overdo it). You can crop, adjust color gradients, use and/or save presets, add photo effects, auto adjust, and much more. But I downloaded the free version specifically for the “whites” option within the“light” feature.

  • Snapseed - Another app I use to up my whitening game. (Sometimes I use Lightroom and Snapseed for 1 photo.) In the “tools” menu, the “brush” function allows you to increase the exposure of your photo as you simply swipe your finger across the screen. Brilliant. Other helpful options are the lens blur effect, selective brightening function, and the ability to add text to a photo (hint- add your name or logo to your photos for protection. Something I need to remember!).

  • Ultralight and Color Wheel are other apps with similar functions and great reviews, but I’ve not used them.

Video editing

  • Videoshop app - I occasionally use this for quick Instagram clips. Can add text, music, etc.

  • iMovie - I’m a fan of iMovie, but it’s out of the scope of this blog to explain it more.

Filming my classes & videos

  • iPhone XS Max - I have a boatload of storage (256 GB) but I also use an external hard drive to unload all of my videos. I typically film in landscape mode /1080pHD @30fps and this gets the job done nicely. A DSLR camera is on my wish list but I can absolutely shoot amazing pics and videos with my phone.

Graphic design and editing

  • Canva - Oh my goodness where do I start? I have big LOVE for Canva! This is where “but I’m not a graphic designer” comes to your rescue. I use this for Skillshare cover images, Pinterest images that need graphics, and on my IG stories. They have beautiful templates with the drag and drop feature that is simply awesome. Templates that will help you design flyers, posters, cards, logos, presentations, and more. Upload your photos or use what they provide. I could go on and on about Canva, but after you read the rest of this blog head over there and check out the amazing options they offer. It’ll make you feel like an experienced graphic designer! Strong work Canva, you nailed it!

  • WordSwag  - Great little app to add text anywhere on your photos in multiple different fonts. You can now add frames too. If you follow me on IG, you may have seen my “Sunday scriptures” on my stories. I use WordSwag and/or Canva for this.

  • Squarespace - I may or may not squeal a little every time I say this… I created my website all by myself! Squarespace is user- friendly, has gorgeous templates, and fabulous technical support available through online chats and endless resource guides. They email you a transcript of your chat so you don’t miss a thing. Building a website takes time and effort, of course, but I love the thoughtful, creative process of it. I’m extremely happy with Squarespace. It meets my needs perfectly.

  • Photoshop - I should mention photoshop, but guess what, I don’t use it. I will at some point, but for now I don’t need it. I say this because I’m positive there are others out there who have not yet taken the dive into this and it’s Okayyyy!

Instagram captions

  • Spacie - This brilliant little app was brought to my attention through Becca Courtice of the Happy Ever Crafter, who is amazing by the way. Simply type your caption in the Spacie app, click “convert” and then paste your caption to social media. Ta-daaaa! You now have a clean crisp caption with line breaks. It has bold and italic functions too.

An absolute “must have” for your business

  • Pinterest - I finally started a Pinterest business account, after taking the advice of experts. No doubt about it, this is growing my business. My analytics are climbing daily. People are discovering and repinning art I created years ago. Art that I thought was old news. Do you get people or customers scrolling back years and years on your Instagram feed? Rarely, right? The bottom line, Pinterest is a search engine. It’s a valuable, results-worthy option for getting eyeballs on your products, art, ideas, blog, business, etc. Hear me on this, don’t miss the opportunity to get your art in front of over 300 million daily Pinterest users. (I strongly recommend Jenna Kutcher and Jenna Rainey for their brilliant, detailed info on this).

Useful purchases from Amazon

  • Arkon Pro Phone Stand (HD8RV29) - My apologies. At the time of this blog, this particular stand was unavailable from both Amazon and Arkon. However, Arkon has multiple options for holding your phone when using it for overhead videos and photos. I use this stand for all of my online classes, videos, and some photo shoots.

  • Boya Lavalier microphone - I attach this microphone into my phone when recording my online classes.

  • Vinyl Photography Backdrop - These handy dandy beautiful vinyl backdrops are what I use for my flat lays and filming my classes. I have the white wood, natural wood, and white marble backdrops. They are fantastic. But, uggh, my apologies again, the specific one I use is currently unavailable on Amazon. But, similar options work just fine.

Business icons I trust and admire

I’ve purchased some of their courses, listened to countless podcasts, read their books, watched their YouTube channels, follow on social media, admire their work ethic, have had results from their business advice, and trust their leadership. Their content is stellar. Top notch. Extremely valuable. There are other leaders I follow with exceptional skills too, but these are my go-to’s:

As I learn and discover new things, I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop. I hope these simple tips help you up your game for scroll-stopping images and for growing your business. Let me know in the comments below what was most helpful. If you have a favorite app, program, website, product, or leader who has inspired you, I’d love to hear about it.

One last thing… The editing game is fun. But, it’s not about distorting your image so much that the true essence of your artwork is lost. There is beauty in your art no matter what, if any, filter, app, or program you use. Let’s stay in the positive space of creating our art for the purpose of creating art. Not for embellishing it into something it’s not. Your art is worthy, your art is enough…. because you are worthy and you are enough just as you are…. No app, website, or program will ever compare to the value of you.

Until next time, have a beautifully blessed day!



“Dear Lord, open doors that terrify me…


And so it begins…Chapter 2