“Dear Lord, open doors that terrify me…

…and grant me the courage to walk through those doors with You.” That was my big bold prayer as I launched my business in January 2020, 6 months ago. It’s now a daily prayer.

My faith is paramount to who I am. It shapes me. It defines my beliefs, guides my behavior, and determines my priorities. I’m a daughter of the King. A saved sinner who loves Jesus. Oh I’m a pastor’s wife too. I prefer to say Rob’s wife, because that’s my most cherished “title.” I never heard anyone say to him “Oh so you’re a Nurse Practitioner’s husband?” Sounds so weird, right?! My other cherished titles are Mom to Sami and Abby, and Mimi to Jerome. The privilege and joy of being a Mimi should probably be another blog! Grand-parenting is the best!

Back to my prayer…While sharing art techniques and business tips are the norm around here, to truly understand the midwest, family-loving, flower-obsessed, road-cycling gal behind J Sweeney Designs you need to know my heart.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit;

apart from me you can do nothing.” ~John 15:5

This verse is the foundation of my business. Apart from God I can do nothing. Nothing. He is my boss. He is my audience. He is my judge and jury. He is the One I strive to please and honor. It’s really that simple. Uhm, well let’s be honest, is it really?

I’m not immune to the rabbit hole of business analytics in social media. I’d be remiss if I said that stuff doesn’t catch my attention. Sure, it’s super helpful to see my numbers from a business sense and pivot when I need to.

But it can wreck my creativity. Misalign my priorities. And divert my attention from His plan and purpose for my life.

Have you ever tumbled down that slippery slope?

Maybe I’m wrong, but we all crave attention. We like to be liked. We like to know we are needed and valued. Nothing wrong with that! We all desire some “kangaroo care,” right!? That snuggly environment where safety, love and growth happens. But if I just rely on humans to fill my needs, I will ultimately be disappointed. Trust me, many precious humans fill my basket with loads of warm and fuzzies. But I place my trust and faith in the Lord to be my ultimate basket filler.

With this “terrifying” prayer of mine, I’m asking God to throw open doors I simply don’t have the courage to open myself, much less walk through. I’m quite cautious and reserved. Not a risk taker at all. I like comfortable, familiar, and predictable. I’ve been in many situations throughout my nursing career and life in general that have required me to step up to the plate of courage. Fortunately everything was fine and I survived. Thank you Jesus! We learn, we fail, we grow, and we do it all again the next day.

I’m not fond of being center stage or in front of the camera. I cringe a little when I see myself on video and hear my voice. I prefer to be the supporting actress, not the lead. But good grief, for this business to thrive I better get comfortable with the uncomfortable! So when I need to do uncomfortable things in life or business, I pray.

I pray for God to remind me it’s not about ME. It’s about whom I belong to (Him).

Once I wrap my head around that, I’m good to go! Mostly. It’s still a challenge to do those things but it’s less frightening (and way more fun) when I focus on my purpose. Speaking of my purpose, J Sweeney Designs exists to:

Glorify God by spreading joy and encouragement through the gift of art.

Focusing on my mission brings clarity and peace. I don’t worry about the rabbit hole when rabbits aren’t my focus.

God does not disappoint. He never does. He has walked (and gently pushed) me through every single terrifying door. Over the past 6 months He has pruned my branches and I have grown. He is showing up in big beautiful ways and I’m so humbled. Humbled that His love is more than I can imagine. More than I deserve. But He doesn’t love me for what I do. I can never do anything to earn His love. His love rains down simply because He counts me as one of his beloved children. I believe the same for you. I believe we are all valuable children of God and His love surpasses all.

So what exactly have these terrifying doors been? I share these not as a badge of honor but simply as an act of acknowledging God is the one who wrote this script. He gets the glory, I just play a part in His story. I also promised you I would be transparent and share my business journey with you. If you have a new business you’ve likely had similar small and big victories. I celebrate deeply with you and share in your joy! I also want to encourage those of you starting a business to have hope. Have audacious unrelenting hope! Do not give up. Press on. Stick with it.

YOU can totally do this! Trust me, the tired-eyed, hair-pulling, late night, crying sessions are worth it!

Opened doors over the past 6 months include:

  • Officially starting my business in Ohio

  • Obtaining a vendors license

  • Having a customized logo created

  • Building & launching my website

  • Launching a Pinterest business account

  • Seeing steady growth in email subscribers

  • Fluctuating, steady growth in social media and website analytics

  • Sending emails and freebies to email subscribers

  • Creating and publishing 4 additional Skillshare classes

  • Growing attendance in all of my Skillshare class

  • Completing commission work

  • Additional partnership arrangements in process

There have been some hard doors to walk through on this business journey. Honestly, more like normal squeaky ones with loose hinges. Just kind of annoying. But at some point, I’m confident big scary doors will stand before me. When I am weary, my faith assures me He will be with me as we bust open and walk through those doors together.

I believe the Creator of all things created us to create. To fill His canvas with grace, love, and beauty. And however you fill that canvas, bless you! Bless you for creating, writing, listening, loving, sharing, caring, serving and all the other “___ings”! You have a gift and you were created to share that gift. And most importantly, YOU are a gift. Remember that, my friend.

May you walk boldly through terrifying doors with confidence and assurance, knowing you are never alone.


I triple dog dare you…


Create scroll-stopping images…and simple tips for business growth